Length: 25 1/4 inches
Weight: 10 lbs 12 oz
I swear I'm feeding him! He is built just like his dad, tall and skinny. Not the worst thing to be, that is for sure! I just hope his growth in his height slows down a bit, otherwise he'll be outgrowing his carseat in a matter of months, and will be the only 4 foot tall 1 year old. James is loving activity these days, as you can see from some of the videos below. He also loves to swing and to sit in his bouncy chair while I finish getting ready in the morning. He hasn't rolled over in a couple weeks, so he must enjoy his tummy time now. He is getting so strong though. He can really hold his head up well and likes to "stand" up and show off how tall he is.
James started day care on his 2-month birthday since I went back to work. The ladies love him there and say he is such a good baby (we wouldn't expect any less of him). Par for the course though, he got sick. He has his first cold and pink eye, poor little guy. It's been a big week for him; starting day care, a doctor's appointment that included 4 shots, and then a second trip to the doctor today. I'm sure it is the first of many appointments and colds that he'll have this year.
We also had some visitors last weekend. Uncle Scott finally got to meet James!
It's just amazing how fast they grow. At times I wish he could sit up and play back with us, but other times I wish we could just stop time and he would stay this cuddly little 10 lb baby forever. We're excited to see where the next month takes James!
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