1. I'm so excited for our friends the
French's! They welcomed another baby boy this afternoon, Nathan Edward. Congrats to Emily, Justin and big brother Nikolas!
2. We've been teased with warm weather, only to be right back in damp, cool days. I've had my eye out for some outdoor toys for James, and after seeing Lyndsay's post today on the the
coolest water table ever, I'm going to get this
play sink. Looks like fun, huh?
3. My parents are coming this weekend for James' dedication at church. They haven't seen James since Christmas!
5. We're having our concrete patio torn out and replaced in the next couple of weeks. And with the money the guy knocked off for paying in cash, we're going to hire a landscape designer to help with the landscape as well (and plant it ourselves). I'm really looking forward to having a nicer area out back to enjoy!
5. In preparation for the backyard work, James helped Daddy this weekend cut down some grasses and rake.
6. I'm loving this dress, but I'm afraid that a new dress and potentially new furniture (on top of the new patio, a replaced water softener and some work that needs to be done on the car) probably isn't a very wise purchase right now. But if it were, I'd wear it with a blue cardigan and orange flats.
7. Another view of the pic posted yesterday. I can't believe how grown up he is.
8. He is so grown up that he helps put dirty (or clean) clothes in the hamper, vacuums the floor and wipes his own mouth when he is done eating.
9. He also says "bye bye", "all done", "more", and "Sydney".
10. Kelly is due with Baby Mac in just 24 days! And I can't wait to be Aunt Katie : )
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