Sunday, April 12, 2009

I need to remember these moments

I love to be the one to get James out of bed in the morning (you long as I'm already awake, right?). As soon as I walk in his cries subside and as I lift him out of the crib he cuddles up to me, resting his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around mine. He has taken to patting me on the back as I rub his. It is really cute. I love to sing my good morning song to him as he slowly wakes himself up and we go to the window and say good morning to the trees and the birds. I need to remember these moments.

I love the look and sound of pure joy as we play outside. His favorite activity is to be picked up and to spin in circles, the afternoon light hitting his face, his head back, laughing. As soon as we stop he says "mo mo" making the sign for "more". So as soon as we have both regained our balance, we spin and spin again. I need to remember these moments.

I need to remember these moments when I'm rushing out the door in the morning trying to make it to an 8:00 meeting and traffic is at a standstill...AGAIN...and I'm reworking the plan file...AGAIN...and all of a sudden it is 5:05 and I have to get out the door so I can pick up James before 6:00 and I'm sitting in traffic...AGAIN...watching the clock as it ticks closer and closer to the cut-off...5:45...50...55...58...just in time to run in, last one to be picked home to start dinner, but James is hungry now so he's picking up dog food off the floor and eating it...AGAIN..."James, don't eat the dog food, that is for Sydney!"...give James some goldfish to tide him over, hoping this doesn't mean he won't eat anything for and I'm exhausted but there is more work to be done still.

I need to remember these moments so during my hurried day I know there is something to look forward to when I get home, my sweet, smiley boy, that makes it all worth it.

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