Friday, October 22, 2010


Long days ago = a long time ago (meaning yesterday or maybe last weekend)
Buffalo shirt = polo shirt (and he made Daddy dig through all his clothes so he could wear one today too)

He also told me he would get ready "all myself" this morning, and shooed me away with his hand and told me to "go get dressed" as he tried to brush his teeth, wash his face, comb his hair and go potty.  It went something like this:

J: Mommy, I do it all myself.  Go get dressed.
(30 seconds later)
J: Mommy!  I need help with the water! (and) The toothpaste won't come out!
(Mommy helps to turn on the water and squeeze the toothpaste onto the toothbrush)
J: Mommy, go get dressed.
(30 seconds later)
J: Mommy!  I need help with the water! 
(James rinses out toothpaste and Mommy hands him washcloth to wash his face)
J: Mommy, go get dressed.
(30 seconds later)
J: Mommy!  I need to go peepee so I don't go in my pants! 
(potty time, flush, put the seat down, wash hands with soap)
Mommy tries to water down his "crazy hair"
J: Mommy, give me the brush, I do it myself.  Go get dressed. 

What I learned this morning:
He still needs me more than he thinks he does.
He needs me less than I think he does.
I (aka Chris) need to replace the faucet in the bathroom so he can turn the water on "all myself". 

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