Monday, February 14, 2011

What is Love?

I read this post a couple weeks ago and it brought tears to my eyes.  Love through the eyes of children is so different than how we see it.  It is simple and pure.  It isn't about flowers and chocolates and jewelry, even though these things are nice. 

Sidenote: Actually, I'll pass on the chocolates.  Can I tell you about Valentine's day 2003?  Chris was living in Canada.  I was in Lawrence.  And he sent me like 5 (yes five) pounds of chocolate for Valentine's day.  Did you know we got married in 2003?  That is what every bride-to-be needs...five pounds of chocolate.  Riiiiiight.

I hope we can all remember what love is all about today.  And every day.  Keep it simple.  Keep it pure. 

Happy Valentine's Day

1 comment:

Sheryl/Mom/Grandma said...

When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth." Billy - age 4

Too precious! I loved this Blog Katie, the pictures were precious, too.