Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Moving On

This time it wasn't us (we're staying put for a L O N G time).  My parents, after many months on the market, sold and closed on their home last Friday.  It was the house we grew up in.  It held over 20 years of memories (and STUFF).  More memories than could ever be put into words. 

When I moved to Iowa after Chris and I got married, we always planned on returning to Kansas eventually.  I had dreams of a pony in the backyard and our future children going to grandma and grandpa's house to ride.  To gallop along the fence line where I had as a kid. 

But then we moved to Chicago and settled down.  And it became more and more difficult to travel back to Kansas with much frequency.  And the snowy cold winters finally got the best of my parents and a life in the desert looked much more appealing. 

I am thrilled for my parents that they have the ability and option to move onto a new chapter in their lives.  But it is still bittersweet saying goodbye to the home I've always known and loved. 

(But I'm not complaining about having a winter escape to Arizona either!)

1 comment:

Sheryl/Mom/Grandma said...

KT - I am so glad that you have so many wonderful memories of growing up in this house, our home for 22 years. And yes, I had always thought I would BE the grandma that had the ponies that the grandkids would come and ride with me. But there are no grandkids there, instead they are growing up in their OWN childhood homes making their OWN memories. We'll be traveling to be an important part of those memories, that's for sure. And I will always be grateful that we had that wonderful home that served as the backdrop for so many memories.